Sadolin Wood Preserver is a wood preservative for amateur and professional use against wood rotting fungi and wood destroying insects. For use on exterior wood out of ground contact or out of surface water contact. Timber treated with sadolin wood preserver must be subsequently coated with an exterior Woodstain or paint.
Preparation Timber surface must be suitably prepared, clean and dry, with dust,
dirt, wax and grease removed. The timber should be allowed to
acclimatise to its end-use environment. The moisture content should
not exceed 18% prior to coating. Hard crystallised resin at the surface
of the timber should be removed with a scraper. Any remaining
resinous residues may be removed using a lint-free cloth dampened
with methylated spirits.
Application Apply by brush or short-time immersion (dipping or deluging).
Wood Preserver must not be applied by spraying.
Brush application: Apply 2 coats of Wood Preserver. Each coat should
be applied with a good quality brush until saturation is reached, with
end grains this is best achieved by applying ‘wet on wet’ until the
timber refuses to absorb any more. Allow a minimum of 24 hours
between coats.
Short-time immersion: Requires a minimum immersion period of
3 minutes.
Drying Time
Touch dry: 2 hours
Between coats: 24 hours
Recoatable: Allow 24 hours before further treatment with solvent-borne finishes.
Allow 3 - 5 days before further treatment with water-borne finishes.
Application by brush: 5 m2/litre.
Application by short-time immersion (three minute minimum): 10 to 15 litres/m3.
Clean brushes and equipment immediately after use with a proprietary
brush cleaner. If spilled, Wood Preserver may be removed immediately
while still wet, using white spirit.
Important Information Protect from frost.
Shelf life: (Unopened) at least 5 years from production date.
Please refer to the Technical Data Sheet for detailed information.