Sadolin Technology
Science behind Sadolin successful product

Superior flexibility
Rain, front, sunshine... all exterior woodwork is subject to elements which cause wood to shirnk and expand, which can lead to blistering, cracking and flaking of the coating. Sadolin exterior products are desinged to flex with the wood, improving resistance to this blistering and flaking. the high quality resins we use bind the elements of the woodstaing together so that it moves natually with the wood.

Sodolin exterior products are desgined t form a 'jacket' which is a waterproof yet also allows the wood to breathe. As well as preventing water from penetrating the wood, the speacial formulations we use also prevent moisture frin becoming trapped under the layer, guarding against damage to the wood and blistering of the coating. The benefit is greater, longerlastng protectiong for your wood.

Easy maintainance
Sodolin products make maintenace easy as minimal preparation is generally required. They are specailly developed to weather natually which prevents the coating from becoming too thick and flexible, potentially resulting in peeling and flaking that could lead to more extensive preparation.

Superior colour retention
Conventional woodstains have a tendency to fade. while some actually go darker. Sadolin's unique products improve colour retention by using specially selected pigments which filter light in a manner that promotes longer lasting natural colours.